Lately, our precious lil' angel has turned into a MONSTER!!! TO be specific, darling has decided to evolve into a Cookie Monster!!:p
Since daddy and mummy started introducing more yummy food into your diet, darling's interest in milk has plummeted to an all time low.. And your new favourites? Rice (or as you often so affectionately call it "饭饭") and biscuits.. For fear that you are just getting carbo and not enough nutrients, mummy's been experimenting with new dishes to go with your fav 饭饭.. Daddy and mummy have also been diligently searching for a variety of yummy yet nutrient-fortified biscuits for you.. Well, seems like our efforts are paying off..
Darling pretty much enjoyed the new 'menu' which we've put together for you.. In fact, looking at the way you gobble up your food, 'pretty much enjoyed' is an understatement... Especially with this new biscuit which we bought you... Darling would just keep stuffing the biscuits into your mouth.. Seems to mummy that your aim is to fill up your tiny buccal cavity as much as possible before someone steals the biscuits from you...
And when your mouth is so full that you could hardly chew your food, you'll start spitting out the food! Worse thing of all is, you refuse to let mummy do 'crowd control' for you! Whenever mummy tries to stop you from morphing into cookie monster, you'll scream at mummy as though mummy's trying to steal your biscuit for myself!!! *faintz*
Count yourself lucky that daddy's been busy with his exams lately... So mummy's usually the one to witness you morph into Cookie Monster! Or else, you would have been caught on the camera already!
So young lady, better learn to behave yourself before your lil' act gets caught by daddy & his SLR ya? Just imagine these photos appearing on your wedding montage.... Ooohh... I'd so love to see that.. =p
Consider yourself warned yar, precious lil' one... =)
13 years ago