
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vacuum vs Going for a walk...

Precious lil' one,

You really are a special lil' kiddo you know...

Everytime someone is at the door, you'll stop whatever you're doing & turn to look... Until you see who's there... And if you were in your mini cooper, darling would race there in record time...

Today, grandpa & grandma decide to take you downstairs for a walk while mummy did the vacuuming & mopping... Cos otherwise, our curious lil' gem would tailgate the vacuum cleaner & disrupt mummy...

But when grandpa was at the door calling for you to go over, darling refused. Darling chose to stand by mummy & the vacuum cleaner...

Hmm.... Weird lil' kiddo... =)

You'd rather watch mummy doing housework than go downstairs??

Well, not that mummy's not happy about that. Keep it up! Right on until you are older, then mummy can hand over the vacuum & mop to you.. =)

After darling came back from your lil' walk, another '1st' happened...

The 1st time darling ate your cereal with such enthusiasm!!

No spillage, no dirtying of your clothes & the floor... In fact, darling opened your mouth & leaned towards mummy before I had time to even scoop another spoonful for you!

Looks like darling should go for more walks... So as to spare us the fate of having your cereal all over our faces & shirts!

Mummy's only issue with you was that everytime mummy place the spoon in your mouth, darling would bite the spoon & refuse to let it go... Now, now...mummy knows you are curious about your new found 'power' but dun chew on the wrong target & break your teeth before they even get to chew real food yar?

Oh by the way, according to grandma, darling has got 2 more teeth growing out.. The 2flanking the bottom 2 center teeth... Looks like by the time daddy is back, darling's milk teeth would have more or less all grown out...

Rest well, my lil' sweetheart...


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