
Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy 18 months old!

My precious princess, Happy 18 months old!

Mummy had such a great time today.. even though it's supposed to be your special day and not mummy's. =)But by the looks of it, darling had a great time too ya?

Well, not that daddy and mummy had planned any celebration for you.. In fact, we even brought you out for vaccination... But mummy's feeling happy cos it's been so long since mummy had the chance to spend so much time with you... And mummy's precious lil' princess is such a joy to be with..

Early in the morning, darling had breakfast with mummy at the table.. Yep, just the 2 of us, cos daddy hasn't been well these few days so daddy hasn't been sleeping with us.. For fear of passing on the bugs to darling.. And also, mummy didn't want the early bird in our house, aka darling, to wake daddy up before he had enough rest..

Okie, back to the breakfast.. =) And so darling and mummy shared 2 slices of peanut butter bread, darling's fav wheat biscuits and 'orange juice' for lil' princess, coffee for mummy! =)Simple fare, but enough to delight the 2 of us wasn't it? :)

Next on the agenda was the vaccination. Daddy was holding on to darling, while mummy stood behind daddy trying to distract your attention from the Dr... As the Dr counted 1, 2, 3... mummy was bracing myself for your cries just like before.. But to our surprise, darling's face didn't even cringe a teeny bit! It was as though nothing had happened at all.. Darling even happily waved the Dr goodbye and once outside the clinic, darling's fingers immediately laced through mummy's and said "walk, walk"... =)

Precious darling, you are such an amazing girl! - Those were daddy's exact words, when we talked about darling's performance today. =)

Though the fever was to be expected only about a week from today, daddy and mummy didn't want to risk bringing you out. And so we spent the rest of the afternoon at home watching darling's fav music videos, rolling in bed, drawing cat cat, pig pig and daddy on your magnetic drawing board (Yep, darling only wants mummy to draw those 3 for you... and you especially love mummy's drawing of daddy! =)) & walking around the house, holding either daddy or mummy's hand in one of your tiny own and your bear bear in the other...

These may sound so mundane, so everyday activities, so simple.... Yet, aren't the most beautiful things in life often the simplest things around us? :) As I close my eyes, I see all of darling's beautiful smiles, naughty expressions, hugging mummy when I least expect it, your sweet voice singing to daddy and mummy... all these bring so much warmth and love to mummy's heart.. :)

Precious lil' one, no doubt there are times you really drive mummy crazy... but you are really one of a gem... Daddy and mummy's precious lil' princess.. You always show us how much you love us too... with or without words.. And no matter how lousy mummy's day had been, a sweet smile from darling, a hug hug from you or a simple "I love u".. is all it takes to make mummy's day.. =)

Since the day you were born, daddy and mummy have been feeling so blessed to have such a sweet lil' angel to call our own.. Precious lil' Raeanne, thank you for bringing so much joy to daddy and mummy's life for the past 18 months.. and of cos, for the years ahead.. =)

Sweet dreams, my precious princess...

Happy 18 months old, darling! :)


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