
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Raeanne's new hobby!

These few days, mummy and daddy noticed that our lil' sweetheart has a newfound hobby! And that is.... sucking your tiny hand! To be more precise, it should be sucking your mitten covered right fist!

We have no idea why, but it seems that darling seems to find your tiny fist very tasty..

*Headache, headache, headache*

Mummy used to change your mittens twice daily cos darling likes to rub your face with your hands... Everytime after darling has finished your milk, mummy must compete with you to see who's faster in reaching your tiny mouth.. Cos if mummy doesn't reach it with your bibs faster than you do, my lil' sweetie would then use your hands to 'clean' away the milk. As a result, your mittens will be soaked with milk..

And that's not the end! Darling would then rub your hands all over your face, smearing milk all over... Sigh, darling, you aren't thinking of doing milk facials are you??

Anyway, I thought that was bad enough... Until now! Darling's mittens are perpetually wet! Cos you've been sucking and chewing away at it! Hmm.. So now it's saliva facial huh?

The way darling kept sucking at your mittens was as though there's a continuous supply of honey oozing out from it!

My lil' one, mummy hope this hobby will pass soon.. Either that, or try not to rub your face with your hands after savouring it yar? Or else, don't blame mummy for tying up your hands k!! Mm... really contemplating doing that already!;p

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